Friday, 23 March 2018


Self -Assessment

Which skill/s do you need to improve?

How can you improve it / them?

What can you do better now?

What did you do in English outside class?

For the next term I need to improve my reading listening and writing skills. I can improve it by watching English films . Now, I know more about Dublin. Outside class I played videogames in English.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Dublin presentation

I've done the Dublin job with Mario from third B and here's the link.

Vocabulary Madame Doutfire

stage a step or degree in a process, development, or series:

appointment an agreement for a meeting arranged in advance:

trust reliance on the goodness, strength, or ability of a person or thing;

play a dramatic composition;

leaned far inclination

jealous ull of a feeling of resentment or anger about someone's success, achievements, advantages, etc.;

lying to lie

handwriting writing done with a pen or pencil in the hand.

loud marked by high volume of sound:

fastener any of various devices for fastening.

strike o make a planned attack (on) suddenly

childish of or relating to a child or children

hedgehogs an insect-eating animal with spiny hairs on the back and sides

complaining to express dissatisfaction, resentment, pain, grief, etc.;
find fault:

vocabulary unit 5

armed robber: robber whit a weapon

burglar one who commits burglary.

detective a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime

fraudster a swindler

judge a public officer with the authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law.

lawyer a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for them in other legal matters.

mugger a person who mugs, esp. one who assaults a person in order to rob him or her.

murderer a person who commits murder.

police officer a member of a police force.

private investigator also found in these entries

thief one who steals, esp. secretly.

traffic warden  brit a person who is appointed to supervise road traffic and report traffic offences

arrest o seize (a person) by legal authority

blak market ilygal market

case one instance or an example of the occurrence of something

evidence that which tends to prove or disprove something; proof

intervew a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or judge the 
worth of another person

suspicious tending to cause or raise suspicion

trap an apparatus for catching birds or other animals

arson the crime of deliberately setting fire to property.

blakmail an act of frightening someone into making a payment of money, as by revealing secrets

burglary he crime of breaking into and entering the house, office, etc., of another to steal

credit card fraud The fraudulent use of a credit card account