Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Glosary Starter Unit / Unit One

-Starter Unit-

Impractical : If a rule proves impractical, modifications should be proposed.

inconvenient : Sinusitis can be inconvenient or even painful at times, but it's usually not severe.

reliable : This includes medical equipment and help in establishing a reliable andsafe blood bank.

scroll : You can use the button to scroll the contents in order to see them or you can use the two

-Unit One-

bitter : They are like a sick man who imagines that sugar is bitter.
enthusiastic : Undoubtedly, they are enthusiastic, but they are difficult to hold onto in the long term.
sympathetic : This approach is built on the idea that these policy areas are mutually supportive.

founder :repression and threats it represented would so soon reappear and that the hopes unleashed in 1989 would so quickly founder. 

supportive : This approach is built on the idea that these policy areas are mutuallysupportive.