Saturday, 8 October 2016

abstract= a brief exnlanation in a few sentences of wat you here 
researched an the main conclusions that you drew.

accuracy(N) = of a tool is the smallest value it is capabe of measuring 

acurate(adj)=close to the true value 

article=a pice of wiriting in a magacine , newspaper ...

drawing conclusions= deciding on something after thining about all information connected to it 

hypothrsis(hipotheses PL)=a suggested expanaitton for something that has not yet been prored to bee true

margin of error=the amout by wich a measure can be wrong but still is a good value 

point of the granph=pair od related values that we represent of the graph

socket=the place on a wall where you connect electrical equinent to the electrical equinent to the electricity supply

report=description of an event situationor scientifice work

variable=each of the factor you chose in your hypotesis

independent variable=variable wose valeuedoes not depende on another variable

dependen variable=variable whose valeue depends on wuat ned have jet as the independent variable    

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