Saturday, 8 June 2019

The end of this blog is NEAR!

Thank you for all !
se you later!



Well this is the the penultimate entry tha i going topblish in this blog , that i had mada with a lot of love and effort.i never think that the end was so near...
Well good luck with your lives and we see in the streets bye.


I thing that made an a blog porfolio is and aincredible experience throughout these three years
I recommend the use of ... as it increases the ICT capacities of the students


My skills...
okay , i thing that  i had improve a little the lisening , becouse i could stand the most of things that the irish people told me!
Other thing was the espiking , I had a hard time talking to the Irish people, but in the end I was practically fluent.
what it cost me more than speaking was the speech at the end of that, i was embarrassing
In the eso we had made a lots of proyects , the proyect thah y had like the mos was a play at 1-st eso

Friday, 7 June 2019


blizzarda storm with dry, driving snow, strong winds, and intense cold.
breezea wind or current of air, esp. a light one:
bronze :a yellowish brown metal that is an alloy of copper and tin
come across to approach or move toward someone or something:
commuting :to change (a penalty) to a less severe one
double-deckersomething with two decks or levels
drizzle :to rain gently and steadily sprinkle


Click here to see the stop motion thata i had done with Jesús


Maid: A woman who works as a servant in a hotel or in someone's home
Scapegoat: A person who is blamed for something that someone else has done
Subsequent: Coming after something in time; following
Barn: A large farm building used for storing grain, hay, or straw or for housing livestock
and rear

Attempt: An effort to achieve or complete a difficult task or action
Grab: Grasp or seize suddenly and roughly

Try: Subject  to trial
Held the breath: Be excited, anxious, or nervous
A hostile look: An unfriendly loook

In turtnoil: In a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty
Put it right: To fix up some situation
In spite of: Without being affected by the particular factor mentioned

 My heart filled with joy: Used for saying that someone starts to feel very happy or proud
To be out of reach: To be beyond the capacity of someone to attain something
On behalf of: When speaking for someone. For example, a medical decision would be made in behalf of the patient, and you would speak on behalf of your family

To have a path in life: To have a mision in life
To wander around: To walk around slowly without any clear purpose or direction


Hello my name Juan and this is my last year in High school .this stage has had

everything moments like laughter,sadness and impotence.

This has been my experience in the ieso Tomas Breton.

I remember that we came from the sixth grade of primary school, that is to say we were the

oldest on our school (C.E.I.P. Piedra de Arte). Well we came to a new place that I had never

stepped before and there we were, we went from being the oldest on our school to the youngest

in the high school. Well, I liked the most in1stE.S.O. ;I made new friends and the projects we

did with Isabel, as the halloween pumpkin, the thanksgiving day project or the shot photography

projects were awesome.

2stE.S.O was the first year that we had two hours of bilingual, and the,projects, the film called

300 that Aniano shows us in classical culture and the awesome clases with Eugenia of

Geography and History about Columbus , Pachacutec and the little trip to Valladolid to visit the

Columbus house museum was just incredible.

3st E.S.O was good , how not to remember Miguel Angel’s class so funny and crazy

and the general fear to mathematics , that year we do a trip to madrid to show us a musical and

the Puerta del Sol.

Finally on 4st i think the best experience that i had never had was the trip to Ireland, the best

memory that I take on high school , i remember that the family were so cool and friendly but

they were a little dirty , my partner jesus and me we were scared to be in a different country

but with the time we opened with the family and the family with us .

The trip to Ireland was great, at first I didn't want to go but my friend Julia told me it was

an experience that I couldn’t miss , and she was right an experience like this doesn't

happen again. The grade hasn't finished yet I have a lot of exams and hope pass all.

For the next year to be able to miss the high school.